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Big Star-Third / Holocaust / live 2010 HD

Adaugat de judy 17.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 655 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
This song is "Holocaust," from Big Star's Third/Sister Lovers album. Time has proven its reputation as a haunting masterpiece - and a fitting tribute to the talents of songwriter, Alex Chilton. The group's influence has continued on, to this: "Big Star Third," a ongoing concert series by a diverse community of musicians performing the whole of Third, working from scores re-created by composer Carl Marsh. Chris Stamey (the dB's) provides additional orchestration and serves as the series produce

Your eyes are almost dead, can't get out of bed
And you can't sleep

You're sitting down to dress, and you're a mess
You look in the mirror

You look in your eyes
Say you realize

Everybody goes, leaving those
Who fall behind

Everybody goes, as far as they can
They don't just care

They stood on the stairs
Laughing at your airs

Your mother's dead, she said
"Don't be afraid"

Your mother's dead, you're on your own
She's in her bed

Everybody goes, leaving those
Who fall behind

Everybody goes, as far as they can
They don't just care

You're a wasted face, you're a sad-eyed lie
You're a holocaust

This video captures two separate performances. Players included Big Star's own Jody Stephens, Mike Mills (R.E.M.), Mitch Easter (Let's Active), Stamey, and members of the Love Language, Megafaun, The Rosebuds, Lost in the Trees, The Old Ceremony, Birds and Arrows, Mayflies USA, the Tomahawks and the NC Symphony.

Lead vocals by Django Haskins. Additional vocals by Sidney Dixon.



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