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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Uriah Heep - Sweet Freedom / 1973

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Adaugat de vasile 14.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 937 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Uriah Heep - Sweet Freedom / 1973

Versuri / text:

As you look around you, do you like what you see?
Though it sometimes makes you lonely, do you like being free?
And are you sure you'll be okay without my company?
I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me

Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Will the line between all this
And my love ever meet
Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet

What I'm really tryin' to say is that I will be around
Should you find that after all you can't get by with what you found
Oh it wasn't just my heart you took and gently tossed into the sea
Though it's hard to find the words I need
I guess it was me - oh I guess it was me oh

Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Will the line between all this
And my love ever meet
Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet

Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Will the line between all this
And my love ever gonna meet
Sweet, sweet freedom
Sweet, sweet, sweet

Sweet (so sweet) sweet (oh sweet, sweet, sweet) freedom
Sweet (so sweet) sweet (so so) sweet
Sweet (oh sweet) sweet (oh sweet, sweet, sweet) freedom
Sweet (so sweet) sweet (so sweet so) sweet



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