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Merle Haggard - Sidewalks Of Chicago / 1971

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Adaugat de TUDOR 08.05.2021  Adauga la favorite 799 vizualizari

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Merle Haggard - Sidewalks Of Chicago

Text/ Versuri:

The Levis that I'm wearin' have beeen good to me
They just won't admit they're growin' old
Though my shirt's made contact with the gutter now and then
At least it keeps my body from the cold
Thank God, folks back home in Harland County
Can't see what success has done to me
Would you believe the kids in Harland High School
Voted me most likely to succeed?
Now I'm walkin' on the sidewalks of Chicago
If I buy the bread I can't afford the wine
Now I'm walkin' on the sidewalks of Chicago
Wishin' I had lived some other time
I wasn't here too long before I met her
And then later she really swept me off my feet
And she stayed just long enough to make me love her
And now they're sweepin' me up off the street
My mama thinks I've really hit the big time
She's written ever day since I've been gone
But she doesn't know that 109 West Charoltte
Is the address of the West Side Mission Home
Now I'm walkin' on the sidewalks of Chicago
If I buy the bread I can't afford the wine
Now I'm walkin' on the sidewalks of Chicago
Wishin' I had lived some other time
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