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Eagles - Pretty Maids All in a Row / 1976

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Adaugat de barbi 08.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.851 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Eagles - Pretty Maids All in a Row - 1976

Vesrsuri LYRICS:

Hi there,
How are 'ya?
it's been a long time
come long way
My, but we learn so slow
and heroes, they come
and they go
and leave us behind as if
we're s'pposed to know why
Why do we give up our
hearts to the past?
and why must we grow up so fast?

And all you wishing well fools
with your fortunes
someone should send you a rose with
love from a friend,
it's nice to here from you
And the storybook comes to a close
Gone are the ribbons and bows
Things to remember places to go
Pretty Maids all in a Row
Oh, oh oh, oh......



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