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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Modern Lovers - Government Center 1976

Adaugat de marcus 05.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 564 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Government Center, by Jonathan Richman, is a bonus track of the Rhino reissues of the 1976 album. It was recorded in the Kim Fowley's sessions.


Well we've got alot alot alot of hard work today
We gotta rock at the government center
Make the secretaries feel better
When they put those stamps on the letters

And they got alot alot alot of great desks and chairs
Uh huh, at the government center
We gotta make the secretaries feel better
When they put those stamps on all those letters

We gotta rock-a rock-a rock-a nonstop tonight
Uh huh, at the government center
Make the secretaries feel better
When they put the stamps on the letters

Won't stop until we see secretaries smile
We gotta see some office boys, they're jumpin' for joy
Tell old Mr. Ayhern (?), "Calm down a while.
You know that's the only way the center is ever gonna get better."

So let's rock-a rock-a rock-a nonstop tonight
Uh huh, at the government center
Make the secretaries feel better
When they put the stamps on the letters
We're gonna make 'em feel better
Oh look out

We're gonna help them out (Make them feel better - repeat)
Take all our equipment
Do rock & roll
That's right
Use that feeling inside, we're gonna transmit
Those secretaries will have to stand up, and not be able to sit
Oh it's gonna be fun, oh we won't get scared, we can't keep it down
Oh that feelin' inside we're gonna transmit it to life
Baby, aw modern dancin'
Yeah, yeah


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