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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Julee Cruise - Falling (Twin Peaks Soundtrack) / 1989

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Adaugat de TUDOR 28.08.2020  Adauga la favorite 886 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Julee Cruise - Falling (Twin Peaks Soundtrack)

Versuri, Text:

Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Then I saw your face
Then I saw your smile
The sky is still blue
The clouds come and go
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Then your kiss so soft
Then your touch so warm
The stars still shine bright
The mountains still high
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?
Are we falling in love?


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