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The Original Stroll -1958 Live

Adaugat de felix 02.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 784 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
On a local television dance show in Idaho in February 1958, local teens dance to one of the biggest dance crazes out of the late-1950's called The Stroll, which originated from American Bandstand. This dance was performed in a line formed with boys on one side and girls on the other, creating an isle between them. The boy and girl in the front of the line would meet up in the middle, grab hands and stroll their way down the line, as the other kids in the line would move their way up to the front using the same dance steps that the couple moving down the line would use, but move from side to side instead. When the first couple made their way down the line, another couple would meet in the middle and stroll down the isle.

Today, a new version of The Stroll is done in the form of a group line dance, but this is how it was done originally.



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