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Led Zeppelin - Sick Again / 1977 live

Adaugat de pache 30.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 288 vizualizari

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From the window of your rented limousine I caught your pretty blue eyes
One day soon you're gonna reach sixteen painted lady in the city of lies

Ah do ya know my name? Do I look the same?
You know I'm the one you want baby I must be the one you need yeah

Clutching pages from your teenage dream in the lobby of the Hotel Paradise
Through the circus of the L.A. queens how fast you learn the downhill slide

Oh, I dont like this game still dont know your name
You know I'm the one you want yes ooh yes I must a-be the one you need need need need yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh you got to tell me

Just a minute just a minute

Lips like cherries on the brow of our queen come on flash and brush your eyes
Said you dug me since you were thirteen then you giggle as you heave and sigh

Oh do ya know my name? Do I look the same?
Baby I got to tell you I'm the one you want yes I know Im the one you need yeah yeah

Cmon get it yeah cmon now cmon now cmon now

Hours hours with the moments in between oh baby how the time flies
The fun of comin' oh the pain in leavin' wont ya dry those silver eyes?

Oh, do you know my name? Do I look the same?
You know I'm the one you want ooh ooh yeah yeah I must be the one you need yeah

Ooh yeah that's right
Ooh yeah that's right
Ooh that's right
That's right that's right
Ooh yeah thats right
Thats right

Led Zeppelin au fost o trupa rock limba engleza, activa in anii 1960 si pe parcursul anilor 1970. Formed in 1968, they consisted of guitarist Jimmy Page , singer Robert Plant , bassist/keyboardist John Paul Jones , and drummer John Bonham . Aparuta in 1968, au constat de chitaristul Jimmy Page , solistul Robert Plant , basistul / claparul John Paul Jones si tobosarul John Bonham . With their heavy, guitar-driven blues rock sound, Led Zeppelin are regularly cited as one of the progenitors of heavy metal and hard rock even though the band's individualistic style drew from many sources and transcends any single music genre .

Cu lor grele, spre chitara roca blues sunet, Led Zeppelin sunt in mod regulat citat ca unul dintre precursorii de heavy metal si hard rock , chiar daca stilul trupei individualista a atras din mai multe surse si transcende orice singur gen muzical . Led Zeppelin did not release songs from their albums as singles in the United Kingdom, as they preferred to establish the concept of album-orientated rock. Led Zeppelin nu a lansat melodii de pe albumele lor ca single in Regatul Unit, astfel cum au preferat sa stabileasca conceptul de album rock orientat.

Led Zeppelin disbanded following Bonham's death in 1980, but continue to be held in high regard for their artistic achievements, commercial success, and broad influence. Led Zeppelin desfiintata dupa moartea lui Bonham in 1980, dar continua sa fie loc in ceea ce priveste mare pentru realizarile lor artistice, succesul comercial, si influenta larg. The band is widely considered to be one of the most successful, innovative and influential bands in the history of music. Trupa este considerat a fi unul dintre cele mai de succes trupe, inovatoare si influente in istoria muzicii. According to some sources, Led Zeppelin have sold over 200 million albums worldwide.

Potrivit unor surse, Led Zeppelin s-au vandut peste 200 de milioane de albume in intreaga lume. Other sources state sales of more than 300 million records, including 111.5 million certified units in the United States. Alte surse de stat vanzari de mai mult de 300 de milioane de inregistrari, inclusiv 111.5 milioane de unitati certificate in Statele Unite ale Americii.

This makes Led Zeppelin one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time, as well as the second-best-selling band of all time in the US. Acest lucru face una dintre Led Zeppelin lume artisti de muzica cel mai bine vandut din toate timpurile, precum si banda a doua cel mai bine vandut din toate timpurile in SUA. Each of their nine studio albums reached the top 10 of the Billboard album chart in the US, with six reaching the number one spot.

Rolling Stone magazine has described Led Zeppelin as "the heaviest band of all time", [ "the biggest band of the '70s" and "unquestionably one of the most enduring bands in rock history". [ 5 ] Similarly, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame described the band in the 1970s as being "as influential in that decade as The Beatles were in the prior one".

Fiecare dintre albumele lor de studio noua a atins top 10 din Billboard diagrama album in SUA, cu sase ajungand numarul unu la fata locului. [2] Rolling Stone revista a descris Led Zeppelin ca fiind "cea mai grea trupa din toate timpurile", "cea mai mare trupa a anilor '70" [4] si "fara indoiala, una dintre trupele cele mai longevive din istoria rock-ului". [5] In mod similar, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a descris trupa in anii 1970 ca fiind "cum influent in acel deceniu ca The Beatles au fost intr-o anterior ". [6]

In 2007, the surviving members of Led Zeppelin reunited (along with John Bonham's son, Jason ) for the Ahmet Ertegun Tribute Concert at The O2 Arena in London. In 2007, membrii supravietuitori ai trupei Led Zeppelin sa reunit (impreuna cu fiul lui John Bonham, Jason ) pentru Tribute Concert Ahmet Ertegun la O2 Arena din Londra. The band was honoured with the "Best Live Act" prize for their one-off reunion at MOJO Awards 2008 , where they were described as the "greatest rock and roll band of all time".

Trupa a fost onorat cu "Best Live Act" pentru premiul lor unice reuniune la Mojo Awards 2008 , in cazul in care acestea au fost descrise ca fiind "cea mai mare rock and roll trupa din toate timpurile


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