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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Neil Young - Revolution Blues

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Adaugat de polux 27.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.215 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )

The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away,
The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away.
All my pictures are fallin'
from the wall where
I placed them yesterday.
The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away.

I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day,
I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day.
Though my problems
are meaningless,
that don't make them
go away.
I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day.

I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone,
I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone.
Now I'm livin'
out here on the beach,
but those seagulls are
still out of reach.
I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone.

Get out of town,
think I'll get out of town,
Get out of town,
think I'll get out of town.
I head for the sticks
with my bus and friends,
I follow the road,
though I don't know
where it ends.
Get out of town, get out of town,
think I'll get out of town.

'Cause the world is turnin',
I don't want to
see it turn away.



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