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Supertramp (Roger Hodgson) 1974 live

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Adaugat de toba 26.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.971 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Supertramp (Roger Hodgson) 1974 live

Dreamer was Roger's first Supertramp Hit song and was written and composed by Roger shortly after he graduated from school.

Roger Hodgson has been recognized as one of the most gifted composers, songwriters and lyricists of our time. As the legendary voice of Supertramp and composer of many of the band's greatest hits, he gave us "Give a Little Bit", "The Logical Song", "Dreamer", "Take the Long Way Home", "Breakfast In America", "It's Raining Again", "School", "Fools Overture" and so many others that have become the soundtrack of our lives.


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