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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Sparks - Reinforcements / 1974

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Adaugat de toba 26.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.442 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Sparks - Reinforcements (1974)


I'm on guard again but unprepared to fend for myself in a battle
You wont tell me why the shrubbery moves
Or why there always has to be subterfusion
You wont even say "at ease"
After waging a costly siege
When a potentate ain't so potent in his state he
summons help fast
Unilaterally I withdraw
What was peace is now a grand coup detant
The Purple Heart for valour please
And no heart for you Denise
Reinforcements, reinforcements
I could use a strong rear guard
Reinforcements, reinforcements
First the left flank, then the right
I'd sooner work the PX tonight

You intercept my S.O.S in order that no
news of my distress will ever reach the
homefront and about my camoflage,
well, it didnt work on you ... in fact most
things they tell recruits never seem to do

Raise my rank if I should last
another night so tortuous
Reinforcements, reinforcements
I dont want a te-ta-tete
Reinforcements, reinforcements
Lets reach accord, and ink a pact
Then, pleace dismiss your regiment

Reinforcements, reinforcements
I could use a strong rear guard
Reinforcements, reinforcements
I could use a strong rear guard
Reinforcements, reinforcements
I could use a strong rear guard
Reinforcements, reinforcements
Reinforcements, reinforcements ...


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