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Paul McCartney - Mrs. Vandebilt (Live in Kiev 2008)

Adaugat de felix 25.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 628 vizualizari

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Paul McCartney - Mrs. Vandebilt (Live in Kiev 2008)
The former Beatle played to an audience of 350,000 in the capital Kiev's main square on June 14 2008.
Thunder and lightning filled the skies yet the true electricity came from the stage as Sir Paul McCartney gave his first ever concert in Kiev.

A record 350,000 braved the inclement weather to see the musician. The charity concert, in the former Soviet republic's Independence Square, was the Ukraine's biggest ever.
The gig was simultaneously broadcast on giant screens in six other Ukrainian cities and on television, with an estimated 10 million people watching.

Organisers of the charity event said money raised will be spent on equipment to help children with cancer.


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