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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


New Order - Special / 1993

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Adaugat de marco 16.10.2019  Adauga la favorite 947 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
New Order - Special

It isn't what it used to be
I wake up every night
On the stairs
Waiting for the dawn to come
Every drop of wine
You can be my time
Only tomorrow knows
Why do we beg when we can borrow
This time we knew
No more or less
There's nothing left

It was always special
It was like water down the drain
I'm intoxicated
Every time I hear your name
I try to remember
But nothing is the same

It wasn't that I didn't try
It's not the kind of thing, that you buy
Written in my destiny
Life is but a dream
Covered by the sky
Stop saying that you're calling time
Look at your life before you start on mine
I'm not the kind of person that you need
I'm sick of trying
I mean that it's over

It was always special
It was like water down the drain
I'm intoxicated
Every time I hear your name
I try to remember
But nothing is the same
It was always special
it was like water down the drain

Patiently you wait for me
You're so blind
I thought it couldn't be
Then changed my mind
Drowning in the endless sea
Line all those lines
The traces of your memory
Don't belong with mine


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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