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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Joy Division - Something Must Break / 1981

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Adaugat de marco 14.10.2019  Adauga la favorite 989 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Joy Division - Something Must Break


Two ways to choose,
On a razor's edge,
Remain behind,
Go straight ahead
Room full of people, room for just one,
If I can't break out now, the time just won't come
Two ways to choose,
Which way to go,
Decide for me,
Please let me know
Looked in the mirror, saw I was wrong,
If I could get back to where I belong, where I belong
Two ways to choose,
Which way to go,
Had thoughts for one
Designs for both
But we were immortal, we were not there,
Washed up on the beaches, struggling for air
I see your face still in my window,
Torments yet calms, won't set me free,
Something must break now,
This life isn't mine,
Something must break now,
Wait for the time,
Something must break


Semnaleaza o problema


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