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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Mick Jagger - Rip This Joint (Live 1993)

Adaugat de tita 20.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 590 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )


(M Jagger/K Richards)

Mama says yes, Papa says no,
Make up you mind 'cause I gotta go
I'm gonna raise hell at the Union Hall,
Drive myself right over the wall

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul,
Round and round and round we go
Roll this joint, gonna get down low,
Start my starter, gonna stop the show
Oh, yeah!

Mister President, Mister Immigration Man,
Let me in, sweetie, to your fair land
I'm Tampa bound and Memphis too,
Short Fat Fanny is on the loose
Dig that sound on the radio,
Then slip it right across into Buffalo
Dick and Pat in ole DC,
Well they're gonna hold some shit for me

Ying yang, you're my thing,
Oh, now, baby, won't you hear me sing
Flip Flop, fit to drop,
Come on baby, won't you let it rock?

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
From San Jose down to Santa Fe,
Kiss me quick, baby, won'tcha make my day
Down to New Orleans with the Dixie Dean,
'Cross to Dallas, Texas with the Butter Queen

Rip this joint, gonna rip yours too,
Some brand new steps and some weight to lose
Gonna roll this joint, gonna get down low,
Round and round and round we'll go

Wham, Bham, Birmingham, Alabam' don't give a damn
Little Rock fit to drop
Ah, let it rock


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