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John Prine - Hello In There / 1971

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Adaugat de matusa 14.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.532 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
"Hello in there" is from John Prine's debut album, "John Prine" (1971)

Old age and loneliness, written about an old couple, is a theme relatively unexplored by songwriters (with the notable exception of Jacques Brel, "Les Vieux".) What's amazing is how it rings so true despite being written by a 25-year old.

This really is a deeply sad and human song. Not just that people work hard their whole lives and then can't even expect acknowledgement of their existence once their greatest accomplishment are behind them, but that time numbs us to life. Even a cut as deep as losing a son eventually is just worn away by the tides of time.

John Prine cuts to the soul of humanity like no other.


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