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The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar 1971

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Adaugat de micle 11.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 2.083 vizualizari

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Rolling Stones-Brown Sugar Original Version With Clapton

A shivering and brilliant song by the Stones, taken off their classic album "Sticky Fingers" released in March 1971, the band's first album on their own label, featured an elaborate cover design by Andy Warhol. The album contains one of their best known hits, "Brown Sugar", and the country-influenced "Wild Horses". Both were recorded at Alabama's Muscle Shoals Sound Studio during the 1969 American tour. The album continued the band's immersion into heavily blues-influenced compositions. The album is noted for its "loose, ramshackle ambience" and marked Mick Taylor's first full release with the band.
I used some older Stones photos with Brian Jones on purpose ....


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