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Crosby Nash - Guinnevere / live 1971 BBC

Adaugat de fram 10.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 840 vizualizari

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David Van Cortlandt Crosby (born August 14, 1941) is an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He was a founding member of three bands: The Byrds; Crosby, Stills & Nash, which is sometimes augmented with Neil Young; and CPR. Crosby is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for his work in the Byrds and CSN. If I Could Only Remember My Name is his debut solo album (1971).

These videos are from a September 11 1970 half hour television performance Graham and David did for the BBC.

It was right after CSNY had finished their famous...or infamous... four way street summer tour. with stories of epic melt downs and cosmic feedings between them all, the all star endeavor which had only began two years prior had all but imploded on itself.

Fortunately, all of the guys didn't abandon their relationships all together. Neil recruited Stephen, David, and Graham for backing vocals on After the Gold Rush and Harvest. Crosby invited, among other amazing musicians, Nash, and Young to sing and play on his consummate album If I Could Only Remember My Name.

(Interestingly, of all the musicians David invited to play on his album: Nash, Young, Jerry Garcia,Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart,Bill Kreutzmann, Jorma Kaukonen, Joni Mitchell, Grace Slick, David Freiberg, Paul Kantner, Jack Casady, Gregg Rolie, and Michael Shrieve...missing was Stephen Stills)

Of all the members of CSNY David and Graham's relationship seemed to be the one that stayed most friendly. In these videos you can really see how jovial and genuinely humorous they were with each other and with their audience. not to mention their majestic vocal blending. (the two part harmonies, which sound like five part, on Guinnevere and Song With no Words are particularly mind blowing)

If you dig this flavor of Crosby and Nash i would recommend finding a copy of their 10/10/1971 live recording Another Stoney Evening if you haven't already.

David and Graham play Guinnevere from the first CSN album; it's amazing to hear how well their voice blend. obviously the three part harmony on the album is out of this world, but it's almost another thing to hear just the two of them. voices dancing around like footprints on the beaches.

"[Following the break up] Crosby and Nash embarked on a successful acoustic tour accompanied only by their own guitars and piano, captured for the document Another Stoney Evening.

On tour, Nash and Crosby rediscovered the joy they had felt with CSN at first, minus the egotistic in-fighting that had made the last CSNY shows so difficult. That enthusiasm led to the studio for their first album as a duo, a mix of abstract introspection from Crosby and concise pop tunes from Nash prosaically entitled Graham Nash David Crosby, which peaked at #4 on the pop album chart."


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