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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Sailor - Open Up The Door / 1974

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Adaugat de vasiliu 07.05.2018  Adauga la favorite 1.382 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Sailor - Open Up The Door


You keep me in your bed too long
I'm out of breath, I can't go on
The boys are waiting down in the street
We've got to make it back to the fleet
So open up the door, my love, open up the door
I'll give you another five dollar more if you open up the door
I love the crazy thigs you do
But nothing is enough for you
You've got to let me out of your bed
Before you kill me stone cold dead!
So open up the door, my love, open up the door
I'll give you another ten dollar more if you open up the door

I've been around, I've seen a lot of spooky dames
But you take the first prize with all your crazy games

They told me you were downright mean
Always on the ball, real keen
But when you locked the door with a key
I knew you had it in for me!
So open up the door, my love, open up the door
I'll give you another twenty dollar more if you open up the door

I would even promise to be back another day
So, please let me go now, or I'll break the door away!

Give me just a fighting chance
Time for putting on my pants
I'm beggin' you down on my knees
To let me get away in peace!
Open up the door, my love, open up the door
I'll give you another forty dollar more if you open up the door
Open up the door, my love, open up the door
I'll give you another forty dollar more if you open up the door


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