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The Band - Across The Great Divide 1969

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Adaugat de masaj 02.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.986 vizualizari

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The Band - Across The Great Divide 1969

Standin by your window in pain, A pistol in your
hand, And I beg you, dear Molly, girl,
Try and understand your man the best you can.

Across The Great Divide, Just grab your hat, and take that ride
Get yourself a bride, And bring your children down to the river side.

I had a goal in my younger days, I nearly wrote my will
But I changed my mind for the better, I'm at the still, had my fill and I'm fit to kill
Pinball machine, and a queen, I nearly took a bust
Tried to keep my hands to myself, Ya say it's a must, but who can ya trust?
Harvest moon shinin' down from the sky, A weary sign for all
I'm gonna leave this one horse town, Had t' stall till the fall, now I'm gonna crawl!

Now Molly dear, don't ya shed a tear
Your time will surely come, you'll feed your man
chicken ev'ry Sunday, Now tell me, hon, what-cha done with the gun

Across The Great Divide, Just grab your hat, and take that ride
Get yourself a bride, And bring your children down to the river side.


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