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Grant Lee Phillips - Sadness Soot / 2001

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Adaugat de nicol 23.03.2018  Adauga la favorite 1.478 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Grant Lee Phillips - Sadness Soot


I'm movin' with the strength of a spear
I'm cruisin' with the past in my mirror
Done leveling my city of ghosts
Cool ashes, like it's all that she wrote

Shake off the sadness soot
It's doin' me good
Embrace the solitude
It's doin' me good

I'm darting through the traffic alone
Dim shadows carve the streets that I roam
Bewitching is the need to be held
I try to fight it
But I'm under that spell

Knee deep in sadness soot
It's doin' me good
Embrace the solitude
That's welcoming us

Face the night
And all it's fireworks
Wrap yourself up
In the silence
Birthing dreams of love and hurt
Aborted by the cry of sirens
Face the night
Face the night alone

I'm swimming with the weight of my heart
Upstream to where to green river parts
Two directions force my will to decide
Shall I drift before I swim for my life

Shake off the sadness soot
We're gathering rust
Embrace the quiet flood
That's welcoming us
Shake off the sadness
Shake off the sadness
Shake off the sadness


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