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Elvis Presley - "Long Black Limousine" 1969

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Adaugat de haga 29.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.652 vizualizari

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Elvis Presley - "Long Black Limousine" 1969

Recorded: 1969/01/13, first released on "From Elvis in Memphis"
(Words & Music: Vern Stovall / Bobby George)

Lyrics, Versuri:
There's a long line of mourners
Driving down our little street
Their fancy cars are such a sight to see, oh yea
They're all rich friends who knew you in the scene
And now they've finally brought you
Brought you home to me

When you left you know you told me
That some day you'd be returnin'
In a fancy car, all the town to see, oh yea,
Well now everyone is watching you
You finally had your dream, yea
You're ridin' in a long black limousine

You know the papers told of how you lost your life, oh yea
The party, the party and the fatal crash that night
Well the race along the highway, oh the curve you didn't see
When you're riding in that long black limousine

Through tear filled eyes I watch as you pass by oh yea
A chauffeur, a chauffeur at the wheel dressed up so fine
Well I'll never, I'll never love another
Oh my heart, all my dreams yea, they're with you
In that long black limousine

Yea, yea, they're with you in that long black limousine
Yea, yea, they're with you in that long black limousine


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