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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Stephen Stills - Grey To Green / 1984

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Adaugat de suzy 22.11.2017  Adauga la favorite 981 vizualizari

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Stephen Stills - Grey To Green


Fortunes of time making up a rhyme
How do we save tomorrow
Given a voice can you make a choice
Is it black, is it gray, is it yellow

Mother nature made it green
Prettiest place you've ever seen
People don't know what they need

Open your window
What do you see?
Do you remember
How it used to be?

All of this crying, while the earth is dying
It's a shock they won't stop because of the money
America is lost, figurin' the cost
You can hang your head in shame, it's disgusting

Mother nature made it green
Prettiest place you've seen
People don't know what they need

Open your window
What do you see?
Do you remember
How it used to be?


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