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Johnny Cash - Boy Named Sue / 1969 live

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Adaugat de alin 24.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 2.339 vizualizari

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Johnny Cash, the Man In Black, is one of the most influential musical figures of the last 50 years. His deep, resonant voice and sparse guitar style have given him an instantly recognisable sound that manages to sit somewhere between folk, rock and country. He has been awarded ten Grammy Awards and was the youngest ever inductee into the Country Hall of Fame. His music is as relevant today as it has ever been.

The concert on this album (which has also been released on CD by Eagle Records) was recorded at the Tennessee State Penitentiary in Nashville in 1976. It is one of only two of his prison concerts that were filmed for broadcast. It features Cash with special guests Linda Ronstadt and Roy Clark performing a selection of their biggest hits such as Folsom Prison Blues, Orange Blossom Special, A Boy Named Sue and Ronstadts version of the Eagles Desperado.
This song is taken from the Eagle Vision DVD "Johnny Cash - A Concert Behind Prison Walls"


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