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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Leonard Cohen - So long, Marianne / 1972

Adaugat de oscar 23.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 915 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Leonard Cohen - So long, Marianne -1972
Versuri cantec:
Come over to the window, my little darling,
I'd like to try to read your palm.
I used to think I was some kind of Gypsy boy
Before I let you take me home.

Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began
To laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again.

Well you know that I love to live with you,
But you make me forget so very much.
I forget to pray for the angels
And then the angels forget to pray for us.

Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...

We met when we were almost young
Deep in the green lilac park.
You held on to me like I was a crucifix,
As we went kneeling through the dark.

Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...

Your letters they all say that you're beside me now.
Then why do I feel alone?
I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web
Is fastening my ankle to a stone.

Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...

For now I need your hidden love.
I'm cold as a new razor blade.
You left when I told you I was curious,
I never said that I was brave.

Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...

Oh, you are really such a pretty one.
I see you've gone and changed your name again.
And just when I climbed this whole mountainside,
To wash my eyelids in the rain!

Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...


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