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Jimi Hendrix - Love Or Confusion / 1967

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Adaugat de charles 22.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.534 vizualizari

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Jimi Hendrix - Love Or Confusion / 1967

Versuri/ text:

Is that the stars in the sky or is it rainbow down?
Will it burn me if I touch the sun, yeah
So big, so round
Would I be truthful, yeah, you know
In choosing you as the one for me?
Is this love, baby, or is it just confusion?
Oh, my mind is so messed up
Going round and round
Must there be all these colours
Without names, without sound, baby?
My heart burns with feeling, but I
Open my mind, it's cold and reeling
Is this love, baby, or is it confusion?
Oh, my head is poundin', poundin'
Goin' round and round, round and round
Must there always be these colours
Without names, without sounds?
My heart burns with feeling
Open my mind, it's cold and reeling
Is this love baby, or is it just confusion?
Oh, you tell me baby, is this
Love or confusion?
Mama, we must get together and find out
Exactly what we're tryin' to do
Love or confusion?


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