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Python Lee Jackson ‎– In A Broken Dream / 1972

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Adaugat de micle 28.05.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.616 vizualizari

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Python Lee Jackson ‎– In A Broken Dream


Every day I spend my time
Drinkin' wine, feelin' fine
Waitin' here to find the sign
That I can understand - yes I am

In the days between the hours
Ivory towers, bloody flowers
Push their heads into the air
I don't care if I ever know - there I go

Don't push your love too far
Your wounds won't leave a scar
Right now is where you are
In a broken dream

Did someone bow their head?
Did someone break the bread?
Good people are in bed
Before nine o'clock

On the pad before my eyes
Paper cries, tellin' lies
The promises you gave
From the grave of a broken heart, hmm

Every day I spend my time
Drinkin' wine, feelin' fine
Waitin' here to find the sign
That I can understand - yes I am, oh

I sit here in my lonely room

Don't push your love too far
You know your wounds won't even leave a scar
Right now is where you are
In a broken dream
And don't you forget what I say - hoo, hoo
Ivory towers, bloody flowers ....


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