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Humble Pie - San Diego 1989 / Concert 63 minute

Adaugat de antonia 02.05.2017  Adauga la favorite 846 vizualizari

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In the late 1980's original Humble Pie drummer Jerry Shirley wanted to reactivate the band. Original guitarist/vocalist Steve Marriott declined to become involved, but gave Shirley his blessing to continue on.

Shirley organized a group based around himself and guitarist/vocalist Charlie Huhn, best known for his work with Ted Nugent and Victory up to that point. Wally Stocker, original guitarist for The Babys was brought into the band, as well as bassist Sean Beavan(who would go on to become a successful producer for Nine Inch Nails and other acts). Stocker was replaced the following year by guitarist Alan Greene, and several different bassists rotated in and out of the band over the next twelve years, with Shirley and Huhn being the only mainstays in the lineup.

Shirley returned to his native England in 2000, and now leads a new version of the band. Huhn joined Foghat the same year, and still has the lead vocalist position with that band today.


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