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Ilinca & Alex Florea - Yodel it! (Official) Eurovision

Adaugat de Laur 21.04.2017  Adauga la favorite 875 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Ilinca & Alex Florea - Yodel it! (Official Video) Eurovision 2017
Ilinca & Alex Florea - Yodel it! (Official Video) Eurovision 2017
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Music & Orchestration: Mihai Alexandru
Lyrics: Alexandra Niculae
Cinematography: Florin Balan
Produced by Vali Anica & Sergiu Stoiadin

Management: Sergiu Stoiadin - +40724349934
Booking: Madalina Simionescu - +40744831410

You never show the spark that makes you glow
You always run away, you always say no to the right things
Don´t try to hide... the light... inside of you
Today might be the day when you will make it baby

So bring it on, bring it on, I'm a dreamer
If you don´t believe it, come and see me I will teach you
If you never try, you'll never be alive
You are gonna miss out on this ride

Yodele yodele oo
Yodele, yodeleioo
Wanna hear this now
Gonna act really crazy
Yodele yodeleioo

Now what´s the use of being so confused
Of doing all this work you really don´t want to be doing
But you´ll be fine, it´s time to feel alive
Don´t stop from reaching for the stars and keep on moving

So bring it on, bring it on, I'm a dreamer
If you don´t believe it, come and see me, I will teach ya
If you never try, you'll never be alive
You are gonna miss out on this ride!


Sitting alone at my desk on a 9 to 5 program, It just won't do
Get another coffee, get another one to make it through
Don't want this anymore

Don´t you hide that light inside of you
Come and show me what you wanna do

If you're stuck in a place and it feels like shit
If you wanna run feeling like a misfit
Come on sing along
Come on sing this song
Say 1, 2, 3, SAY

Just shout it, baby
Just shout it baby
Wanna hear this now
Gonna act really crazy
Yodele yodeleioo
Just shout it, baby

Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania.

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