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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Lou Gramm - Broken Dreams / 1989

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Adaugat de stefan 07.04.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.274 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Lou Gramm - Broken Dreams


Still no news from you
And I walk through the night alone, stay away from home
I watch the midnight sky
And wonder why is the moon so cruel, shining on this fool
I've let heaven walk away, I need to feel you in my arms again
I was king for just one day, that's long enough to know, I can't let go

Now I climb this mountain high
It won't stop my heart from burning
Dreams for sale, tears and rivers running dry
It won't keep the world from turning
Oh, broken dreams for sale
Still can feel the heat, running through me with the speed of light
I need you here tonight
Memories come and go, let me love you just once again
I didn't know better then
There's a corner in your heart, a hideaway not even I can see
I grow weaker in the dark, strong enough to know, I can't let go

Tears and rivers running dry
It won't keep the world from turning
Oh, broken dreams for sale
There's a corner in your heart, a hideaway not even I can see
I grow weaker in the dark, strong enough to know, I can't let go


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