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Midnite - If I Betray / 2001

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Adaugat de blue 03.04.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.071 vizualizari

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Midnite - If I Betray


If I betray whey I go stay
Indecisive no they no way
Jah ay ok, Jah ay okay high

I Ilah I root Ivine I irates
Upon I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state

I Ilah I root Ivine I irates
Upon I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state

Them a run a dock a shot a ball in truth
Pere duck sass Ina them gon man soup
Gun belt bigger than them trousers loop
Name recognition seeker reckless youth

High Ilah I root Ivine I irates
Upon I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state

Jah Rastafari litigation publish the clean heart
Vibes in the nation ride upon the black sun king vibration
Grow out the sunray crown as a lion

I Ilah I root Ivine I irates
Upon I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state

Lion cub a follow whey the lion go
Wid out fear gone whey him father go
Hit the spy null card the critical blow
Eyes stay red until shiloh

I Ilah I root Ivine I irates
I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state

Wicked man a move taka dem a grango
Moving pan the babylon tempo
Scale and the balance and the golden globe
Mountain sticky hashish grow

If I betray whey I go stay
Indecisive no they no way
Jah ay ok, Jah ay okay high
Well if I betray whey I go stay
Indecisive no they no way
Jah ay ok, Jah ay okay

Rebelling for any cause
Street light love corner man applause
Them confidence question mark move off
Cross cause man a go say you soft hey

I Ilah I root Ivine I irates
Upon I locks and I life if I say it
Tha mek I chant more Jah is great
Rule ina the renegade vagabond state
If I betray whey I go stay
If I betray whey I go stay
Indecisive no they no way
Jah ay ok, Jah ay okay


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