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Roy Buchanan - The Messiah Will Come Again / 1976

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Adaugat de femeia 25.03.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.461 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Roy Buchanan:The Messiah Will Come Again

Albumm:Roy Buchanan - Live From Austin TX / anul 1976

Style:Blues Rock

Versuri/text:Just a smile, just a glance
The Prince of Darkness
He just walked past
There's been a lot of people
And they've had a lot to say
But this time, I'm gonna tell it my way

There was a town,
There was a strange little town, they called "The World"
It was a lonely, lonely little town
'Til one day a stranger appeared
And their hearts rejoiced, and the sad little town was happy again
But there were some that doubted; they disbelieved, so they (mocked/marked) him
And that stranger, he went away
Now the sad little town that was sad yesterday
It's a lot sadder today

I walked in a lot of places I never should've been
But I know that the Messiah, he will come again



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