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Marianne Faithfull - The Pleasure Song / 2002

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Adaugat de felix 04.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 2.274 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (3 voturi )
Marianne Faithfull - The Pleasure Song


I got so much love
So much more
So much more love to give.
I got so much more
So much love
So much more love left to give.
So much pleasure draws me like I never saw.
I have never seen you look like this before.
I got so many lives
So many more
So many more lives to live
I got so much love
So much love
So much more love left to give.
So much pleasure draws me like I never saw.
I have never seen you look like this before.
Are you with me or without me?
Are you with me here or am I alone?

I got somewhere
Somewhere to be
Somewhere to be with you.
There is somewhere
Somewhere to be
Somewhere for me and you.

So much pleasure draws me like I never saw.
I have never seen you look like this before.

Are you with me or without me?
Are you with me now or am I alone?
Can you see me I can see you
Please be with me here so I'm not alone.

So much more to know
Didn't want to go



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