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Prince, Michael Jackson, James Brown dance compilation

Adaugat de radio 03.09.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.822 vizualizari

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25th anniversary of Thriller album, has revealed his days of dancing are behind him - because he doesn't want to kill himself on stage like his hero, soul singer James Brown, who died On December 25th 2006 from congestive heart failure.

When asked if he thinks he'll grow old in the music industry, Michael, 49, explained: "Not the way James Brown did or Jackie Wilson did. "They just kept going, running, killing themselves. "I wish he (James Brown) could have slowed down and relaxed and enjoyed his hard work.

Pencilled in for release in 2008, Jackson unveiled the plans for the album during a rare interview with Ebony Magazine. Despite admitting that he was working on new material, Jackson said that he has no plans to extend his career into old age, like other artists. "Not the way James Brown or Jackie Wilson did, where they just killed themselves," Jackson admitted. "I wish James Brown could have slowed down and been more relaxed and enjoyed his hard work."[2] Every neighbourhood has the guy who you don't see, so you gossip about him," Jackson told Ebony magazine.

Jackson, 49, also revealed he doesn't plan to keep performing for the rest of his life. "Not the way James Brown or Jackie Wilson did, where they just killed themselves. I wish James Brown could have slowed down and been more relaxed and enjoyed his hard work."[3]

Quincy Jones and Steven Spielberg call Jackson "Smelly" in honor of the word MJ ''' who doesn't swear much ''' substitutes for profanity. As he approaches age fifty, Jackson assumes he won't still be entertaining at eighty: "Not the way James Brown did, or Jackie Wilson did, where they just killed themselves. I wish could have slowed down and been more relaxed and enjoyed his hard work." Jackson's recording career began after The Wiz because that's where he first met Jones. Jackson says he rang up Jones after it wrapped: "I'm a shy person, ESPECIALLY then, I used to not even look at people when they were talking to me, I'm not joking ''' and I said 'I'm ready to do an album.[4] "When you're on top of your game, when you're a pioneer, people come at you. I feel grateful - all those record-breaking things, to the biggest albums, to those number ones - I still feel grateful," he said. The 49-year-old singer also added that he had no plans to keep entertaining when he is 80. He said: "Not the way James Brown or Jackie Wilson did, where they just killed themselves. I wish James Brown could have slowed down and been more relaxed and enjoyed his hard work."[


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