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Leonard Cohen - Traveling Light / 2016

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Adaugat de zaharia 11.11.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.321 vizualizari

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Leonard Cohen - Traveling Light


I'm traveling light
It's au revoir
My once so bright, my fallen star
I'm running late, they'll close the bar
I used to play one mean guitar
I guess I'm just somebody who
Has given up on the me and you
I'm not alone, I've met a few
Traveling light like we used to do

Good night, good night, my fallen star
I guess you're right, you always are
I know you're right about the blues
You live some life you'd never choose
I'm just a fool, a dreamer who forgot to dream of the me and you
I'm not alone, I've met a few
Traveling light like we used to do

Traveling light
It's au revoir
My once so bright, my fallen star
I'm running late, they'll close the bar
I used to play one mean guitar
I guess I'm just somebody who
Has given up on the me and you
I'm not alone, I've met a few
Traveling light like we used to do

But if the road leads back to you
Must I forget the things I knew
When I was friends with one or two
Traveling light like we used to do
I'm traveling light


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