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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


John Mayall - A Big Man / 1995

Adaugat de MARCU 20.07.2016  Adauga la favorite 931 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
John Mayall - A Big Man


it takes a big, big man to handle everything
it takes a big, big man to handle everything
We're the people wearin' and it doesn't mean

We need a big, big man to look out our fears
You're a big, big man to shoot the world in tears
Oh, yes, world of troubled years

It takes a big, big man to handle all the men
It takes a big, big man to handle all those lands
No one seems to have a plan

It takes a big, big man to make the world go'round
It takes a big, big man to make the world go'round
hey Miss Junkyard, no one can be found

Big, big man no one can be found
Takes a big, big man to make the world go'round
Looking for a leader, no one can be found
Takes a big, big man to make the world go'round


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