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El Chicano - You've Been Wrong So Long / 1974

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Adaugat de fata 03.07.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.096 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
El Chicano - You've Been Wrong So Long


I dug the rain to look out thru window for a rainbow
because you think there's a pot of gold on the other side
all of this, my friend, is just a fable
that people make up when things aren't going right
You've been wrong so long, you think it was right
You'd better stop, wake up, take a look around you
You've been wrong so long, you think it was right
Listen, listen to the truth, you know it will stun you
All that glitter isn't always gold
And soon you'll learn it's to better off you got to be
Just remember that the things that wounding most in this world
I always think that is naked I can see
And every morning you wake up feeling you know so low
You feel that the world is gotta be a place you wanna be
Well, just try having a little bit of prayer into your life
And things are gonna brighten up and I'm sure you're gonna see


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