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Hank Williams III - Broken Boogie / 2013

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Adaugat de luca 11.04.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.265 vizualizari

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Hank Williams III - Broken Boogie


I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
And there's a lot of folks with me in the same boat
Doin' all we can to have some hope
We're not broken down, we're just broke
Fightin' 9 to 5, just tryin' to stay alive
Seein' good folks die
When they should have a life
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
And there's a lot of folks with me in the same boat
Doin' all we can to have some hope
We ain't broken down, we're just broke
How many more times will we have to try
Just to make ends meet
Makin' sure Uncle Sam is satisfied
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
Sometimes the family farm has to turn to smoke
I ain't judgin' no one, I ain't no Pope
We're just doin' what we can to have some hope
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
And there's a lot of folks with me in the same boat
Doin' all we can to have some hope
We ain't broken down, we're just broke
Distant days, you can feel that pain when you might have to run
Do everything in your power you can do
To not load that gun
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
There's a lot of folks with me in the same boat
We're doin' all we can to stay afloat
We ain't broken down, we're just broke
How much longer do they think they can beat us down
Between you and me
They're tryin' to get us to burn down our own town
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
We're doin' what we can to have some hope
We ain't broken down, we're just broke
Doin' what we can to have some hope
I ain't broken down, I'm just broke
We're doin' what we can to have some hope


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