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Kiss - Thrills In The Night / 1984 live

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Adaugat de luca 29.03.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.311 vizualizari

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Kiss - Thrills In The Night


kiss thrill in the night:In the evening when she takes to the street
She goes hunting with a body in heat
And desires she's kept hidden inside make her tingle
And she knows why she lies

Ooh as she's walking around like a mystery
Ooh there's a woman that nobody sees living inside

Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her
Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her

See the stranger that she's pushing away
As she dresses for the start of a day
And desires she's kept hidden inside make her tingle
Yeah she knows why she lies

Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her
Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her
Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her
Thrills in the night, far from the light, passion taking over
Prices she pays, all through the days, no on really knows her
by milanesa666elregreso


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