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Willie Dixon - I Don't Trust Nobody / 1973

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Adaugat de zorba 27.03.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.539 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Willie Dixon - I Don't Trust Nobody


The old folks told me long time ago
Don't trust nobody that I don't know
I don't trust nobody -Not even myself
Now I don't trust you and I don't trust nobody else
I don't trust my sister, don't trust my brother
I don't trust my father, don't trust my mother
Don't trust my baby, don't trust the man
I don't trust a doggone thing
Don't trust the judge, don't trust the police
I don't trust the President neither the priest
I don't trust the bus I don't trust the plane
I don't trust a doggone thing
I don't trust nobody -- not even myself
Well I don't trust you, and don't trust nobody else
I been this blue, many times the fool
Planned to be cool, I was always used
Don't' trust nothing, -not even myself
I don't trust you or nobody else
I don't trust a woman, don't trust a man
I don't trust in any, neither of them
I don't trust wine and I don't trust hooch
I don't trust any none of you
I don't trust nobody -- not even myself
Well I don't trust you and I don't trust noone else
I don't trust my son, don't trust my daughter
Don't trust my friends, don't trust the water
Don't trust the food, don't trust the nuts
I don't trust any none of us
I don't trust nobody -- not even myself
Well I don't trust you and I don't trust nobody else
I don't trust nobody -- I don't trust nobody
I don't trust nobody --not even myself
Well I don't trust you and I don't trust nobody else


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