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Barclay James Harvest - Fantasy: Loving Is Easy / 1978

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Adaugat de suzy 29.02.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.644 vizualizari

Nota film: 4 / 5 (1 vot )
Barclay James Harvest - Fantasy: Loving Is Easy

Albumm:Barclay James Harvest ‎– XII / anul 1978

Symphonic Rock


Even the bad times are good when you're around
Darlin', you kiss away all my blues
Even the hard times are easy to face
'Cause I know that your love will come through

You light up my flame, then you drive me insane
There ain't nothing that you cannot do
Then you rip up my heart, you just tear it apart
As I shoot all my love into you

Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
You know that's the best way to feel it
Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
Just get a hold and watch how it grows

Even the bad times are good when you're around
Darlin', you kiss away all my blues
Even the hard times are easy to face
'Cause I know that your love will come through

You tear up my soul and then fill up the whole
Of your being, your love, your desire
Then you grab for my heart you just tear it apart
As I shoot all my love in your fire

Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
You know that's the best way to feel it
Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
Just get a hold and watch how it grows

Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
You know that's the best way to feel it
Lovin' is easy with both eyes closed
Just get a hold and watch how it grows.


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