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Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Can't See Through / 2012

Adaugat de zorba 10.02.2016  Adauga la favorite 691 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Can't See Through


You told me everything that was on your mind
You brought the cold in from the outside
You brought a bottle with the smell of pine
And an aching heart and a box of wine

You always told me I was way too wild
And I always thought you were dangerously mild
Our souls my differ but I'm still beguiled
How can you be happy with only half a smile

Oh I can't forgive you
You cut me open wide and now I
I can't see through to the other side
No I can't see through to the other side

I always wondered, but never asked you why
Why you keep on living when you want to die
And you hold that bottle like a baby child
Maybe I'll join you for a little while

Oh I can't forgive you
You cut me open wide and now I
I can't see through to the other side
No I can't see through to the other side
No I can't see through to the other side
Oh I can't see through to the other side

So you hold your darkness and I'll hold my light
Everyone feels safe when they're holding tight
But I'm not quite broken but I'm not quite right
But I keep on going 'cause I think it's worth the fight
But I know I'll never see you after tonight

Oh and I forgive you
For all your sins and lies and I know I'll
I'll see you on the other side
Baby I'll see you on the other side
Oh I'll see you on the other side
Oh I'll see you on the other side


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