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Bob Dylan - One Too Many Mornings / 1964

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Adaugat de MARCU 03.12.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.501 vizualizari

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Bob Dylan - One Too Many Mornings


Down the street the dogs are barkin'
And the day is a-gettin' dark
As the night comes in a-fallin'
The dogs'll lose their bark
An' the silent night will shatter
From the sounds inside my mind
For I'm one too many mornings
And a thousand miles behind

From the crossroads of my doorstep
My eyes they start to fade
As I turn my head back to the room
Where my love and I have laid
An' I gaze back to the street
The sidewalk and the sign
And I'm one too many mornings
An' a thousand miles behind

It's a restless hungry feeling
That don't mean no one no good
When ev'rything I'm a-sayin'
You can say it just as good.
You're right from your side
I'm right from mine
We're both just one too many mornings
An' a thousand miles behind


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