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Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Love Is The Spirit / 2000

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Adaugat de MARCU 22.10.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.637 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Love Is The Spirit


Take of me what you will, take my dreams away
But tomorrow is still another day
Confuse me with your fancy talk, crush me with your lies
But you'll never beat me down no matter how you try
You'll never understand, I can see it in your eyes...

Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die

Think only of yourself, you'll make it big that way
Causing sorrow in your friends today
Let others do your dirty work, pretend you never knew
But you'll never beat me down no matter what you do
I've nothing else to lose but there's still enough for you

Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die

It's over now, nothing left to say
To have me on my knees, no strength to pray
To see my head hang low, you split my heart in two
But you'll never beat me down no matter what you do
I was feeling really low but I knew that I'd get through, 'cause...

Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die
Love is the spirit that will never die


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