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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Bread - Look What You've Done / 1970

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Adaugat de MARCU 25.09.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.448 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Bread - Look What You've Done


ou have taken the heart of me
And left just a part of me,
And look, look, look what you've done.
Well, you took all the best of me,
So come get the rest of me,
And look back, finish what you've begun.

There is some one you ought to meet,
It's me, mister incomplete.
Look, at what I've become.
For it's due to the lack of you
That I'm now only half of two.
Look back, finish what you've begun.

Come and sit by my side
Where there's nothing to hide.
And we'll try to decide what you needed;
But from where I stand today,
I can't think of the way
Or the words that I might say
That will change your mind and make you stay.
Oh, no, not for all the times I've pleaded.

Look, look, look what you've done.
You have taken the best of me,
So come get the rest of me,
And look back, finish what you've begun.
I'll be done.


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