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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Take Your Time / 1997

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Adaugat de rica 14.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.552 vizualizari

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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Take Your Time


My poor broke mama told me
When I was twelve years old
You eat and talk much too fast
Theres one thing you should know
Take your time my sweet baby
Take your time my blue eyed son
Well you may never have his money
But you wont miss no rich mans fun
I can never give you money honey
I can never buy you clothes
But the way them women been lookin at you
Someday you should have both
If you take your time my sweet baby
Take your time and love them slow
And if you play your cards right
You wont never wait no more

Well the ladies like their diamonds
They like their brand new clothes
But I was blessed with plenty of other things they love the most
I take my time with the ladies
I take my time and I love em slow
And since I turned thirteen
Lord, I aint never wait no more

I can never give you money honey
I can never buy you clothes
But the way them schoolgirls look at you
Someday you should have both
If you take your time my sweet baby
Take your time and be my son
Well you might never have his money
But you wont miss his fun


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