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Lynyrd Skynyrd - One In The Sun / 1987

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Adaugat de rica 14.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.797 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Lynyrd Skynyrd - One In The Sun


Somewhere the sun is shining
On some unhappy day
Somewhere there's people laughing
They think they've found the way
But it's not me
It's not me, no no now
It's not me, It's not me, It's not me, It's not me
I'm not the one

Well sure I used to cry, but I used to laugh too
I had my ups as well as downs you see
But I been down now for so long
I've forgotten all my dreams.
Yea it must be me
It must be me, you know now
It's not me, It's not me, It's not me, It's not me
I'm not the one in the sun

Since I became I've wondered what I've become
Lord I know it can't be much longer before
I find my place in sun

Sometimes I wonder will I figure something out
Will I find a reason good enough to live
Lord if it don't dawn on me pretty soon
I think something's gonna give
Yea it might be me
Yea it just might be me, yea
It's not me, no it can't be
'Cause I'm not the one in the sun
No I'm not the one
Yea I'm not the one
But I'm not the one
Sorry to say I'm not the one


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