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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Truck Drivin' Man / 1987

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Adaugat de rica 14.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.327 vizualizari

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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Truck Drivin' Man


Well he's truckin' on down from Memphis
Cruisin' down to New Orleans
Tonight he sleeps alone with a Cajun queen
Well there's smoke from the stacks a-blowin'
And he don't care where he's goin'
The only time he feels right is when he's rollin'
He's got roadmaps in his hand
Lord, drivin' just as hard as he can
Trying to dodge them scales and the Man
Well I'm talkin' about
Truck drivin' man
Yea he'll always give ya, the best that he can.

White cups and coffee, Lord yea
Its all that he needs
And he's all right by me
Truck drivin' man
Truck on
Truck driver
Shift your gears

He's got ladies up in North Dakota
From the Keys man, to Minnesota
And he loves each and every one, least that's what he's told 'em
Lord, flannel shirts and blue jeans
Truck stops are routine
Tonight he sleeps alone with a Cajun queen
Find More lyrics at
Well I'm talkin' about
Truck drivin' man
Yea he'll always give ya, the best that he can.

White cups and coffee, Lord yea
Its all that he needs
And he's all right by me
Truck drivin' man
Truck driver

Well he's truckin' on down from Memphis
Cruisin' down to New Orleans
Tonight he sleeps alone with a Cajun queen
Well there's smoke from the stacks a-blowin'
And he don't care where he's goin'
The only time he feels right is when he's rollin'
Well I'm talkin' about
Truck drivin' man
Yea he'll always give ya, the best that he can.

White cups and coffee, Lord yea
Its all that he needs
And he's all right by me
Truck drivin' man
I said he's all right by me
Truck drivin' man
I said he's all right by me
Truck drivin' man
Play the guitar
Truck driver


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