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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Am I Losin / 1975

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Adaugat de rica 10.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.381 vizualizari

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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Am I Losin


I recall when I used to come home never had a dime
But Lord I always had a good time
And I recall drinkin' wine with one of my friends
Lord, I can't go back again

Am I losin' my own way back home
Am I losin' a good friend that I've known
Am I losin' won't you tell me how I've sinned
Why am I losin one of my bets friends
And I recall this friend of mine I knew so well
It goes to show Lord you just can't tell
Now my friend won't talk to me Let me tell you why
he thinks I 've changed because of a dollar sign


And its so strange when you get just a little money
Your so called friends want to act just a little funny
They'll blame you
But I'm not the one that's here to blame
Its you my friend that's really changed
Its a shame, such a shame
Am I losin' once again
Why these things happen, Lord I don't understand
But Lord it can sure hurt a man
Why my friend won't take me as I am
'Cause your friend Lord is the most important thing


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