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John Hiatt ‎- Feels Like Rain / 1994

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Adaugat de MARCU 07.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.666 vizualizari

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John Hiatt ‎- Feels Like Rain


Down here the river meets the sea
And in the sticky heat I feel ya' open up to me
Love comes out of nowhere baby, like a hurricane
And it feels like rain

Underneath the stars lying next to you
Wondering who you are baby
How do you do?
When the clouds blow in across the moon
And the wind howls out your name
Feels like rain

We'll never make that bridge tonight
Across lake Ponchartrain
Feel like rain

Batten down the hatches
But keep your heart out on your sleeve
A little bit of stormy weather, that's no cause for us to leave
Just stay here baby, in my arms
Let it wash away the pain
Feels like rain


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